Tom Beebe
- xDB Systems
Thomas Beebe has been an active Informix user and part of the IIUG community for almost 20 years. Now with xDB Systems, he continues to work to support the wide world of Informix customers and user group members. When not helping customers with DBA support or Informix development work he finds time for photography and spending time with his demanding cats. He is also the president of the Washington Area Informix User Group which should be having its next meeting during Q4, more info coming soon at waiug.org.
A05. Making the most of Informix Primary Storage Manager
With Informix version 12, IBM introduced PSM, a replacement for the frustrating and slow ISM (Informix Storage Manager). In this performance boosted, streamlined, powerful storage manager Informix now allows the use of onbar to perform backups when you don’t have a commercial storage manager available. In this talk we will go over how to get […]